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HomeEventsICF-CO Monthly Meeting: The CORE of our Core Competencies

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ICF-CO Monthly Meeting: The CORE of our Core Competencies

About this event

Virtual Program - Monthly Meeting
The CORE of our Core Competencies

Date: March 9, 2023
Time: 6:00 - 8:30pm MT (Formal program starts at 6:30)
Location: Zoom

Social Chat begins at 6:00pm, then the formal meeting will start at 6:30pm MT

6:00 - 6:30pm: An opportunity to chat socially with other members and/or join a board member for discussion on Chapter Shapers
6:30 - 6:45pm: Chapter Business
6:45 - 8:30pm: Educational Programming

CCEs: 2 in Core Competencies


Speaker: Ben Dooley, MCC


We have 8 Core Competencies that establish and define our coaching, but it can be tricky to powerfully evaluate and supervise as we prepare for our credentialing or to grow our coaching. Why? Because there are actually over 50 markers within those competencies that we need to be tracking. And the more we focus on what we need to accomplish and fulfill, the harder it is to truly show up powerfully in our coaching. Not only that, but it’s unnecessarily making our coaching journey so much more difficult and complex. 


Wouldn't it be easier if we had a simple model and design that gave us actually only 3 things to maintain and hold in our coaching, and those three CORE COMPONENTS go underneath and support the Core Competencies and your coach training to instantly and easily expand, deepen, solidify and engage our coaching in powerful ways. 


I'll give you a hint: they aren’t any of the Core Competencies, but rather they appear in ALL of them.


And with this powerful CORE in your coaching, your coaching will never be the same! This applies and appeals to ALL types of coaches, regardless of training or experience, at ALL levels (from ACC to MCC).  



  • New coaches love how this clarifies and explains what they're learning in their training, helping them deepen their education and support their coaching as they practice their skills. 
  • Intermediate coaches thrive on the structure that provides complete support and clarity for their coaching, with reminders of how they can easily and effortlessly deepen their coaching even further. 
  • Advanced coaches love how this formula gets them back to basics, and deepens and refines their already developed process and system.   
  • This applies and appeals to ALL types of coaches, regardless of training or experience, at ALL levels (from ACC to MCC).  
  • Coaches will be able to access their coaching power, range and presence.
  • Coaches will be able to listen deeper and fuller, create a richer awareness, establish trust more easily, and get their clients moving into action more easily.
  • Coaches will watch their coaching expand, enhance, deepen and grow faster


Ben-Dooley-150x204About Ben Dooley, MCC

Ben is awesome. (So are you.) And he’s here to help you bring your awesome fully into the world. Through a variety of programs, he is committed to stretch and grow coaches of ALL levels (ACC to MCC and beyond) into full confidence, full power, full range, full impact coaches. In other words, to help you BE the MasterFull coach you are here to BE. And your journey continues to deepen right now.


Date and Time

Thursday, March 9, 2023, 6:00 PM until 8:30 PM



Event Contact(s)

Barbara Alfors


Monthly Meeting

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