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HomeJoin ICF-CO

Join ICF Colorado today to become part of this dynamic, supportive, creative community!

ICF Colorado Education and Activity Fee

Please Note:
ICF Global Membership does not include access to ICF-CO chapter benefits.
ICF-Global membership and ICF-CO Activity Fee are two separate fees.

Virtual Season Pass
$139.00/year: Rate if not an ICF Global Member
$89.00/year: Rate if an ICF Global Member
$89.00/year: Student Rate - 1 year only (Enrolled in an ACSTH or ACTP ICF-approved coach training program)

Educational groups also offer CCEs for participation.

Daily Lift Ticket

This option is posted with each program/meeting/event registration.

$35.00 per meeting without CCE Certificate
$45.00 per meeting with CCE Certificate

Member Signup / Information


The ICF Colorado memberships are a non-tangible product;
therefore, we do not issue refunds once membership is purchased.