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ICF-CO Education Group: Continuous Coaching Development

Date and Time

Thursday, November 05, 2020, 6:00 PM until 9:00 PM


ICF CO Zoom Meeting Room

Event Contact(s)

Geo Roberts


Learning Groups

Registration Info

Registration is required
Payment In Full In Advance Only

About this event

Continuous Coaching Development: Working On Your Core

Dates: 1st Thursday of each month (February - June and August - November)
Time: 6:00 - 9:00pm MT
Location: Virtual

Earn 2.5 CCE's and .5 Resource units each 3 hour workshop

These monthly series of workshops are designed for leaders and coaches who wish to grow through practicing the ICF's Core Competencies. It is experiential learning and not spoon feeding of "how to's." During each session, each participant will get to: Coach, Coach a coach, Be a client. Learning is multi-level as each person experiences accelerated growth of skills and new habits for success.

November 5, 2020 Meeting Details:
We shall begin the session with "social time" from 6.30 to 7pm, then devote about 30 minutes to each giving a REAL report.


What is that, you may ask?  A REAL report is something we can use at the start of a coaching session with a client to Review progress made since our last meeting by relating to an Experience we had where we tried something differently, thought about something differently, or had an “aha” moment.  We’ll summarize our Experience in just 4 minutes, explaining succinctly the Action(s) you or someone else took that was new or different and what you Learned from it!  I have attached a form that will let you capture your thoughts beforehand if that is helpful.  Also, on the night, one of us present (virtually, of course), will be there to coach you through the report.

Then, depending upon how many of us show and how much time available, we’ll explore a competency of your choice to work on in your triad coaching session.

Item to Note:
When you register, the confirmation email includes a link to a Word document of a Real Report.


I am very excited to see you, and to hear of your experiences, so register NOW!