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How to Become an Emotionally Brilliant Fearless Le

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Become an Emotionally Brilliant Fearless Leader
By Andrew Scantland
Posted: 2017-11-03T01:02:00Z

If you are in the health & wellness or legal fields, or in business, how can Emotional Brilliance benefit your leadership skills?

Dr. Cathy Greenberg describes Emotional Brilliance as “Shining through in the face of challenges, by knowing ourselves and how our talents and strengths can carry us to safety.” And using Emotional Brilliance is what can make us Fearless Leaders.

Clearly, it’s about resilience—the ability to adapt well, or to bounce back from difficult circumstances. Emotional Brilliance is offering that and more, however, as a life-long, sustainable, strengths-based approach to meeting and often exceeding the inevitable challenges of our lives, both big and small.

Courage is central to our happiness. Regardless of our circumstances, we all need courage to get up every day using free will and mindfulness to approach life in a positive way. And we need courage to overcome the innate negativity bias of our brains that want to keep us alert to danger, whether that’s accurate or not.

So, if we are feeling fearful, how can we reset towards positivity?

It is easy to become overcome by FEAR (False Evidence Appearing Real). Yet when we look at our fears in a conscious way, we can ask ourselves, “What is it that is making me afraid?” We might decide that our fears are not actually real—that in fact they are irrational or at least partly inaccurate.

We can also AIM. That’s short for Activate, Inspire, and Motivate.

We can start by asking ourselves the question, “What can I do every day in my life to make my life better?” “And the lives of others better?”

By even just asking ourselves this question, we can start to generate courage and wellbeing, and of course that affects everyone around you, whether they report to you at work, or are your family and friends.

Using AIM, we can commit to doing our best every day. As leaders, we cannot always be inspiring. We can, however, always turn to courage to help us do our best.

Using AIM is key, but only one of the powerful tools that Dr. Greenberg teaches for Fearless Leaders.

As a keynote speaker at the ICF Colorado Fall Conference this November 9th, there’s a wonderful opportunity to learn about the power of Emotional Brilliance and Fearless Leadership from Dr. Cathy Greenberg.

Don’t Miss Out!

Adapted from video First Lady Of Happiness Cathy Greenberg - Emotional Brilliance, KGUN9, Sept 21, 2015

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